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What is FlorinCoin (FLO)

Florincoin is peer to peer currency. It uses the scrypt proof of work, which is easy to mine when compared to Bitcoin. That makes it more decentralized. It promises very quick transactions, unlike other bigger coins with long blocktimes. FLO has 40 second block times. Every transaction can have a message with it. It can be up to 528 characters long and can be used to store commitments or very important messages on the blockchain. There are many Dapps (apps which don’t depend on a central authority) which are being built on the Florin blockchain.

FlorinCoin Upcoming Events & Alerts

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December 22, 2017

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Details Date
On session 2 of the “FLO Blockchain Sessions and Hands-On App Development” course, @366pi covers the FLO… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1032014236854247429
6 years ago
We invite you to watch the first video in a YouTube series that @366pi is producing to help developers from around… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1031625583992741894
6 years ago
http://discord.gg/ezgxh6s < Come join FLO on discord and be part of our community https://t.co/qu7LS9hk89
6 years ago
.@CoinMarketCap and @BittrexExchange have both updated to finalize the FLO rebrand from our legacy name, Florincoin… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1029172445310332928
6 years ago
.@BlocktechCEO, CEO of @alexandria and inventor of OIP, explains the Open Index Protocol at Decentralized Web Summi… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1029019891834253313
6 years ago
New website listing FLO #mining stats comparing multiple pools: https://miningpoolstats.stream/florincoin #blockchain #cryptocurrency https://t.co/rYg3IDkGB4
6 years ago
Join our 1200+ member @telegram community and chat with FLO miners, #blockchain developers, and builders at… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1026538366245003265
6 years ago
Instant exchange @ChangeNow_io has added FLO to its platform. $FLO is now available for exchange with $BTC, $USD,… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1025396696413560832
6 years ago
The @alexandria team is at the #DecentralizedWebSummit presenting: Build a dApp with the Open Index Protocol… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1025080087018958848
6 years ago
FLO was added to the @openbazaar decentralized marketplace! Download OpenBazaar here: https://openbazaar.org/download/ https://t.co/6FoYDZ57Cc
6 years ago
FLO is now on WeChat! 🗨️ Search for Flo Blockchain中国交流群 https://t.co/dYVwHnYyps
6 years ago
Bitcointalk ANN thread updated with latest info on FLO: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=236742
6 years ago
.@Valentin_Jesse wrote a great summary of the current status of FLO, partnerships, and useful links for learning mo… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1022868534840500225
6 years ago
Our website has been updated with a new section proudly displaying all of the apps using the FLO blockchain:… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1022572580732104709
6 years ago
⚜️FLO POLL⚜️ The FLO blockchain is best described as:
6 years ago
Photos from the FLO summit 2018 at the @alexandria office in San Diego! #gowiththeflo #blockchaindev #flosummit… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1018858384534179842
6 years ago
The FLO / @alexandria livestream from yesterday is now in VOD format! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hx3j-sevac8
6 years ago
FLO / @alexandria Live stream starting in 15 minutes, tune in on twitch here: https://www.twitch.tv/metacoin
6 years ago
FLO / @alexandria dev meeting livestream starts in 1 hour, live from San Diego! #blockchain #blockchaindev… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1012738052563726336
6 years ago
Tune in to Future of Blockchain from @twitter HQ to see @amyofalexandria talk about FLO, OIP, and @alexandria live… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1011788697111552006
6 years ago
"The new can't do new things in old ways". An interesting read on the uncomfortable relationship between the power… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1001253300035989505
6 years ago
FLO links, updates, and information from the FLO [ANN] Bitcointalk thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=236742.msg36487893#msg36487893 https://t.co/PqqLOw9TBs
6 years ago
⚠️Important update⚠️ FLO miners have now LOCKED_IN segwit on mainnet. Please make sure to update to the 0.15 core c… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/992207964126744576
6 years ago
SSURMAS has been part of the core team at FLO since 2017 bringing 10 years of marketing, strategy and partnerships… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/979709423596662784
7 years ago
An honest description of how the music industry works. How do you think distributed technology will shift the narra… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/978791129863745536
7 years ago
An honest description of how the music industry works. How do you think distributed technology will shift the narra… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/978791129863745536
7 years ago
Got 10 minutes to spare? Why not catch up on the Web 3.0 revolution and how it came about. #GoWithTheFLO https://bit.ly/2dr87f9
7 years ago
Got 10 minutes to spare? Why not catch up on the Web 3.0 revolution and how it came about. #GoWithTheFLO https://bit.ly/2dr87f9
7 years ago
Fantastic write-up by @stevenbjohnson on what we need to start thinking about beyond the hype generated by cryptocu… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/978078672417521665
7 years ago
FLO v0.15.0.3 released Minor enhancements to v0.15: 🔹Allow importing of private keys exported by v0.10 🔹Add… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/976276575657365504
7 years ago
FLO segwit has been released! Make sure to update your wallets. Some things to note: 🔹datadir changed from ~/.flori… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/975899618704797696
7 years ago
Looking for volunteers to help unit test the new segwit upgrade of FLO core v0.15 - DM us on twitter or join telegr… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/974336229457227776
7 years ago
Throwback to when The Libertarian Party of Texas logged all their ballots onto FLO. Check out this @coindesk articl… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/974143603135033344
7 years ago
.@YBFVentures' new dedicated Web 3.0 hub #YBFMesh has arrived and we're glad to be onboard! The impressive partner… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/966925057942437889
7 years ago
FLO 0.15 soon to be released! #GoWithTheFLO #blockchaindev https://t.co/PoOOCQElid
7 years ago
FLO AMA live on http://twitch.tv/metacoin with FLO core developer @JosephFiscella #GoWithTheFLO #blockchaindev #cryptocurrency #blockchain
7 years ago
Join our Lead Dev @JosephFiscella for a 1 hour AMA on all things @floblockchain. Watch and participate live on Feb… https://t.co/sOmtoRqAhL
7 years ago
#throwbackthursday https://t.co/EV95DMkcxH The @alexandria physical kiosk + Bitcoin ATM circa October 2014 with @theryanjordan
7 years ago
FLO brainwallet 🧠💸: https://t.co/KAhvflixic #GoWithTheFLO #blockchaindev
7 years ago
Work on the python and C# SDKs for FLO has begun! Star, fork, or clone the python SDK from our github repo: https://t.co/BwNDIaLTTp ⭐️🍴🐑
7 years ago
Work on the python and C# SDKs for FLO has begun! Star, fork, or clone the python SDK from our github repo: https://t.co/BwNDIaLTTp ⭐️🍴🐑
7 years ago