CryptoCal Telegram Bot

You can add the bot either to your contact list or to a channel. Simply add the user cryptocalapp_bot and send the following commands and it will repsond with the events/information according to the specified command.

  • /help - Provides the list of available commands
  • /contribute - Provides information on how you can contribute to the platform
  • /about - Provides some background information and different ways you can get the events
  • /today - Provides list of all events happening today
  • /this_week - Provides list of all events happening this week
  • /next_week - Provides list of all events happening next week
  • /coin_{coinsymbol} e.g /coin_eth - Provides list of all events for a specific coin using coin sybmol or search query
  • /coin_history e.g /coin_history_eth - Provides list of all past events for a given coin using coin symbol or search query
  • /show_categories - Provides all cateogires of events
  • /category e.g /exchange - Provides list of all events happening now or in the future for a specific category