TREOS Announces Progressive Changes to UBI Wallets

1 min readJul 25, 2019

July 24, 2019

After much discussion, TREOS is pleased to announce that a decision has been made to make positive changes to the UBI wallets on the Web2 platform. This change would allow TRO obtained through distributions (Token Conversion Event, bounty rewards, commissions, etc) that are required to pass through the FIFO to now be stored separately from the UBI staking wallet. In addition, this change would also allow users holding more than the 0.001% cap to separate their TRO holdings and still earn UBI rewards. The UBI system will continue to remain “whale proof” due to the fact that everyone will still be limited to a holding cap of 0.001% within the staking wallet and more than that, the ecosystem will now have the expanded capability to allow for everyone to earn a UBI reward, no matter how large or small your TRO holdings. This change has also been made to make the UBI system more user-friendly and to align with future development plans and EOS staking methods.

Find out more about this and our upcoming Token Conversion Event on Discord Or Telegram




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