3 min readJul 4, 2018

Hello again!

It is Paymon and we have great news for you: this week we are releasing the first version of our wallet and the PaymonCoin version for Windows, followed with instructions!

It is a trial version, so don’t judge a book by its cover — we will make it look better, we promise!

So, what you already can do with trial version of PMNC:

  • Our trial version of Paymon wallet allows you to create a new account (or export already existing one);
  • Transfer test tokens and look through the list of transactions
  • You can see if the transaction was successful.

We also should remind you what you will be able to do with our final version of coin:

• Transfer it to your friends

• Exchange PMNC for any other cryptocurrency within the system

• Spend it on anything you want

• Keep your assets in PMNC

• Pay for our services

• If you are a business owner, you can add your company to Paymon and use Profit platform, when it’s ready (

Now you can take a short breath to digest this news and then move on, for we have even more:

- From now on, you can send reports to our mail directly from our app! This feature is available for iOS in “Invite friends” section. Therefore, getting help is easier and faster, and it will let us fix bugs right away;

- Also “Invite friends” section has a nice view now — you may check it and maybe invite some new friends ;)

- We added date in a chat list for iOS: now you can see not only hour and minute the message was sent, but also day, month, and year;

- Dialogues are now sorted by the time the last message was sent: the newest dialogues are in the beginning of the list (also iOS);

- We fixed some bugs in the web-version, so using our app with your laptop must be more pleasant now (;

- Continued work on Profit (;

- Started adding BTC, LTC and DASH to the web-version;

- Worked on Ethereum wallet functional: QR code is displayed and the ability to copy an address is now available;

- Added Keychain manager for wallet safety;

- Calculation of the sum of payment in accordance with the gas limit, gas price and ETH rates is available.

Last week was very productive for us, and we are satisfied with the results of our work. If so are you, then clap your hands for us!

Share your thoughts in comments, for we appreciate the feedback. Stay tuned!




Great changes are coming, and you are a part of it 😉 Download Paymon!